Become a

We welcome partnerships with companies and businesses who share our commitment to advancing nursing and midwifery research to improve the health and wellbeing of all Australians. 

We depend on the generous support from partners both locally and nationally. We are committed to collaborate with your organisation to design a unique partnership that is mutually beneficial which delivers real value and impact.  

We would welcome the opportunity to discuss ways we can work together. Please contact Wendy Foster on 08 8334 1938 or email to discuss partnership opportunities. 

Why invest in nursing and midwifery research?

Investment into health and medical research provides exceptional returns and represents an opportunity for Australia to secure its long-term economic, health and social prosperity.

It is estimated that every dollar invested in health and medical research and development in Australia returns $2.17 in health benefits (Access Economics, 2008, Exceptional Returns: The Value of Investing in Health R&D in Australia). 

When investing in nursing and midwifery research, these benefits extend well beyond the walls of health care settings, as those who have recovered from or avoided illness (and their carers), can contribute to national productivity through participation in the community and the workforce.

The benefits of supporting the Rosemary Bryant Foundation

  • Be aligned with the most trusted profession in Australia for the last 23 years running (Roy Morgan, 2017)
  • Be seen by your staff and customers to be supporting the incredible work of more than 360,000 registered nurses and midwives in Australia (AHPRA, 2017)
  • Join over 60 per cent of Australians who support causes relating to health and medical research (Australian Giving Report, 2016)
  • Have your product or service selected by a third of consumers who stated that whether an organisation supports social causes was a deciding factor in their purchasing decisions (Marketing Magazine Australia, 2013).

Ways to Support

Below are just some examples of the different ways your organisation can support the Rosemary Bryant Foundation.

Make a financial donation to a project, scholarship or research area

One way to make the greatest impact is to simply make a financial donation to one of research projects or work with us to support a specific area of nursing and midwifery research that aligns with your organisation’s values. Examples of our broad research areas are on available here.

Please feel free to contact us if there is a specific area of nursing and midwifery research that you would like to be explored.

Workplace Giving

Payroll or workplace giving is one of the easiest ways to give a regular pre-tax donation to charity. The money raised will help fund vital research.

Workplace giving enables employees to give directly to Rosemary Bryant Foundation through automated payroll deductions, they are simple, tax-efficient and cost-effective. Through providing workplace giving options you can demonstrate your corporate social responsibility values to staff and be an employer of choice.

To learn more about work place giving click here

Adopt a collection tin/tap to donate terminal

A simple way to make a difference is for your workplace to adopt a collection tin or a ‘Tap to Donate’ terminal as pictured. This can just be a single collection tin or terminal or multiple depending on the structure of organisation. 

Please contact Wendy Foster on 08 8334 1938 or email and we can supply you with the appropriate details.

Staff fundraising

Encouraging staff to do something meaningful for their community can help to increase staff motivation and retention. Fundraising activities are limited only by the imagination; casual day, morning teas, lunchtime events, quiz nights and themed days are only a few of the ways employees can raise funds for our cause.


Each year the Foundation holds a number of special fundraising events which provide a range of sponsorship opportunities. Please contact Wendy Foster on 08 8334 1938 or email for more information.

Donations of goods and services

We welcome donations of goods and services that can help to the Foundation to achieve our objectives. Donations could be in the form of physical equipment or it could be the skilled volunteering by your staff or providing your services pro bono. 

Cause-related marketing

Cause-related marketing programs can enhance your brand whilst raising valuable funds for the Rosemary Bryant Foundation. Our cause-related marketing programs provide great opportunities for product and service differentiation, increasing your sales and PR coverage, and positively enhancing your long-term customer loyalty and overall product awareness.

Find out about our current corporate partners here

To discuss corporate engagement opportunities, please contact Wendy Foster on 08 8334 1938 or email