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“The Foundation will be integral in the translation of new research discoveries into practice to better equip nurses and midwives, and the broader healthcare system, to provide the best possible care for the community.”
— Rosemary Bryant
About the FoundationThere are currently 360,000 nurses and midwives across Australia.To support the wonderful work of nurses and midwives, the Rosemary Bryant Foundation was established to raise funds to improve health outcomes through nursing and midwifery research. |

Our Impact
The community's health and wellbeing depends on high quality nursing and midwifery care.
Funding nursing and midwifery research informs best practice care which results in better health outcomes for the whole community. Best practice care not only improves treatment, but also plays an integral role in preventing avoidable illness.
Our Focus
Improving care and care environments
To measure the impact of clinical care practises and explore new directions in nursing and midwifery.
Workforce education, planning & management
To extend the capacity and capabilities of nurses and midwives to build a resilient, sustainable and collaborative workforce.
Evidence-based practice and translation
To apply evidence-based best practice guidelines to improve health systems, clinical practice and policy development.

Research in Action
“This grant will give us an opportunity to collect data from people with TTS about their experience, management, ongoing issues, potentially associated medical conditions, and complications.”
— Dr Angela Kucia, Snr Nursing Lecturer
Help improve the health outcomes for all Australians. By donating, you are showing you support more than 360,000 nurses and midwives inAustralia who work tirelessly to keep us well and safe every day.