The Foundation aims to strengthen the role of the nursing and midwifery profession across the health system through the development of a research-driven, evidence-based platform of healthcare. To achieve this, the Foundation is developing a comprehensive research funding strategy. The strategy will focus on advancing the discipline of nursing and midwifery and informing best practice care. |
Key Dates
The Rosemary Bryant Foundation is pleased to announce that our first round of funding for 2024 will open on the 28th of February and will close on the 29th March 2024. Applicants will receive notification of the outcome of their application by April 2024. We will be updating the grant guidelines and application form in the coming days.
The Board and Grants Committee continue to be both impressed and proud of the many incredible research projects happening across the country. You should feel proud of the work you do and the profession you continue to contribute to.
We look forward to continue working with you in 2024 and beyond.
About the Grants
In the interest of ensuring that all Australians receive the best possible nursing and midwifery care, the Rosemary Bryant Foundation funds high quality, translatable research that can be readily adopted and embedded into practice.
Nurses and midwives represent nearly two-thirds of registered health practitioners in Australia. Through funding nursing and midwifery research, the Foundation aims to create a more informed and productive workforce that can provide optimal care to the community.
A key focus of any project funded by the Rosemary Bryant Foundation is that there is a leadership role for a nurse/midwife and there is demonstrable collaboration with nurses/midwives in relevant practice environments.
The Foundation also encourages established leaders in the field to support non-academic researchers (e.g. practising nurses/midwives), as well as early and mid-career researchers by including them as members of the research team in applications.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does nurse/midwife-led mean?
For the purposes of the Rosemary Bryant Foundation Grants, nurse/midwife-led means:
- the research topic/question was conceived by a nurse/midwife as result of their work to resolve an issue they are facing or to explore an opportunity they have identified; and/or
- the project clearly demonstrates that practising nurses/midwives have been consulted in the design of the research and are involved in the research team and/or
- the Chief Researcher/co-leaders are nurses/midwives.
What academic level should the members of the research team be?
The research team members can be of any academic level. We also welcome research team members who are not from an academic background e.g. practising Nurses and Midwives. However, it is expected that at least one member of the research team has a demonstrable research background to ensure the scientific rigour of the project.
What academic level should the Chief Investigator be?
The Chief Investigator can be of any academic level. We also welcome applications where the Chief Investigator who are not from an academic background e.g. practising Nurses and Midwives. However, it is expected that at least one member of the research team has a demonstrable research background to ensure the scientific rigour of the project.
Do I need to have a PhD to be eligible to apply?
The Chief Investigator does not need a PhD to be eligible to apply for some grants. The qualifications and experience of the team must be commensurate with the needs of the project. It would be expected that applications for Discovery Grants would have investigators with PhD qualifications and substantial research records. Seeding grants, directed towards early career researchers, would not necessarily require a PhD preparation.
Do I need to be a nurse/midwife to apply?
Yes, the Cheif Investigator must be a nurse or midwife who is registered in Australia.
Do I need to include a literature review?
No, it is not expected for you to provide a literature review as part of your application.
Do I need to include a CV for everyone on the research team?
No, but as a minimum we require a CV (maximum of 5 pages) for the Chief Investigator. You are also able to provide additional CVs (maximum of 5 pages per CV) for other members of your research team if you wish.
Can the grants be used to pay for a research assistant?
Yes, you can include the costs for research assistance within the budget for your project. However, it should be noted that the salaries and/or on costs, in whole, or in part, for Chief Investigators cannot be included.
Can the grants be used to pay for a PhD student’s study costs?
No, the grants cannot be used to fund education or tuition fees.
Grant Application Submission Form
Please submit your grant application by completing the form below.
Application Form (Interactive PDF)
Before submitting your application, please make sure you have the following documents ready to include:
- A cover letter addressing the eligibility criteria.
- Completed signed application form (Word document / Interactive PDF).
- A project budget (this can be included as part of the application form or attached as a separate document).
- A copy of the Chief Investigator(s)’s curriculum vitae (see full application form for further details).
- A letter of support from project end-users or industry.
- Any ethics, compliance and/or safety approvals.
Further Information
Should you have any enquiries regarding the grants please contact:
Wendy Foster
Foundation Manager
Rosemary Bryant Foundation